Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Operation Reversal.

Oh well, I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later. It’s what the Doctor calls a reversal.
That’s where they reconnect my colostomy back up to the J-pouch they formed when I had my first surgery.

What does this mean? Well I won’t be riding or gardening for a few weeks while I recover, not that there's been much gardening being done anyhow, and I won’t be needing to wear a colostomy bag anymore, yeah.

So if all goes well it should be all plain sailing for me from hear on, the only unknown is how dependent I will be on knowing how far away and where the next toilet is.

Anyways on that positive thought,

until next time




Roslyn said...

Hope all goes well for you Stewart --- and you health improves along with the weather. We have let the vegie garden go over Summer too. It's just all been too hard with no rain.

Unknown said...

Good luck Stewart. Life without that bag will hopefully be simpler and easier.


My Veggie Garden said...

Thank-you and with 200ml of rain everything is coming up rosie.